Cyber Security Training Program (L1)
Empower yourself with the vital knowledge and skills to safeguard against cyber threats by enrolling in the Cyber Security Basics to Advanced training program, and open doors to endless opportunities in the realm of cybersecurity!
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Introduction to Information Security / Cyber Security
Will understand the evolution of Information security and how Cyber Security a subset of Information security is, different job roles, skill sets required. Why we need Cyber Security? Career Paths and the life of Security Expert.
Basics of System Administration
System Hardware like RAM, SSD, CD. Different connector types and Cables, Mobile devices, Network Cables and user roles, privileges & System Troubleshooting.
Operating Systems
Understanding common operating system types & their purposes. OS – installation, upgradation & different versions. Command line tools windows & Linux.
Physical – Logical – Wireless Security
Understanding Physical Security Controls, Access control Vestibules, Drones – Surveillance, CCTV, WEP, Secure Data Destruction etc.
Basics of Networking
OSI Model, Topologies, IP addressing & Classes, Ports & Protocols, Organizational Policies, Defense in depth, Zero Trust.​
Lab -1
Windows Commands, Linux Commands, Wireshark, Nmap, Angry IP Scanner, Acrylic Wi-Fi.
Digital Footprint – Digital Wellbeing
Understanding what you leave on internet when you do something. Unique Identifiers, Organizational policies for digital platform handling, Personal & Social behavior on Internet.
Different Types of Vulnerabilities & Threats
Compare & Contrast different types of social engineering techniques. Analyzing potential indicators to determine the type of attack along with Application & Network Attacks.
Cyber Bullying & Cyber Warfare – PII Protection
Concepts of Cyber bullying – Human Trafficking, Drug abuse on social media platforms etc. Understanding different types of threat actors – State sponsored, Organized cyber criminals & Hacktivists. Understanding how it will affect the nation. PII (Personal Identifiable Information) – What is it? How to protect our identity? What are the consequences of losing it?
Encryption – Cryptography – CIA Triad
Understanding what Hashing is & Encryption. Types of encryptions – Symmetrical & Asymmetrical. Encryption Algorithms – AES, 3-DES, RSA. Brute force in encryption. Cryptography concepts - CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) concepts.
Deep web – Tor Project – Investigations
Understanding how the deep web works, peer-to-peer network connections, VPN over TOR, Crime Ring, Investigations.
OSINT Framework – Tools
Open-Source Intelligence framework provides large collection of resources for huge variety of tasks from harvesting email address to tracing back to an hacker/criminal. Revers image analysis, geo-location tracking etc.
​Threat & Vulnerability Management – TTPs – Threat Intelligence
Threat Classification, Intelligent Sources, Attack Models – MITRE ATT&CK, Cyber Kill Chain. Tactics, Techniques & Procedures & Threat Intelligence.
OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities, Burp suite.
Cloud Concepts
Understanding Service Models – SAAS/IAAS/PAAS. Public-Private Hybrid Clouds. Characteristics of cloud – Elasticity, Scalability, Availability, Pay-As-you go models. Understanding Cap-Ex, Op-Ex & SLA’s.
Cyber Security – Regulations, Frameworks, Laws, Auditing, Compliance
Country wise frameworks applicable, GDPR, NIST, HIPPA, PCI-DSS. Understanding SOC Type-1, Type-2 & Type-3 Audits. IT Act – PDP Bill - Data Protection Bill & compliances.